Two moms talking about a little bit of nothing... a little bit of everything... and a whole lot of in between!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

CCM#1 Our Very First Show Attempt In The RAW!

Well, here it is. Show #1. We talked about various things. Mostly why we wanted to do the show, and who we are. So, give us a listen, let us know what you think. Here's to Chitchatmoms and the first of what we hope to be many shows!

Here is Episode #1!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Welcome to chitchatmoms

Well, here we are. The beginning. The jumping off point. Sink or swim. Breathe ladies, breathe. Welcome to our blog, our podcast, our lives. We hope to have fun with this, and hope you are able to stay along for the ride. Keep checking back for updates. We hope to have more published soon. Be sure to let us know how we're doing along the way, and remember, be nice, we're just beginners. Podcasting virgins so to speak. Please be gentle, this is our first time!